cat love

Cats deserve love! Whether it’s Valentine’s Day, Sweetest Day, or “Just Because”, we may feel especially inclined to shower our feline friends with affection. The trick is, how do we express it? Fortunately, there are many ways to show your cat love.

1. Treats

Cats are not unlike humans in that they don’t like to eat the same thing day after day. Store-bought treats can be a great addition to your cat’s diet on special occasions. However, there are cat-safe human foods you can try as well. Cooked salmon, raw spinach, cooked (skinless) chicken, cantaloupe, pure pumpkin puree, tuna, blueberries, or peas work well. Visit here for more ideas. Check with your veterinarian for the best option and only treat in moderation.

2. Catnap

After your cat has had a nice snack, treat yourself and your cat to a nap! Cats can sleep anywhere from 15-20 hours a day, so why not join them? There are several calming music videos made specifically for cats on Youtube. Dim the lights, play some cat-music, snuggle up, and have a nice catnap!


3. Catnip

You can treat your cat with something besides food. Most cats go nuts for catnip. Roughly 20% of cats do not show attraction to catnip, and kittens and seniors show disinterest. However, the rest of the cat world just LOVES it. Reactions vary, from sedate and energetic playfulness. While the popular herb is nontoxic, it should still be treated as a treat in moderation since too much can cause nausea. Several toys have catnip built in, or you can infuse toys with loose catnip leaves or catnip spray. Cats also love rolling around in loose catnip leaves.

4. Playtime

Interactive play is a wonderful way to keep your cat happy and healthy. Not only does it give your cat an outlet for their natural hunting instincts, but it also prevents behavioral issues. When cats have an outlet for their energy, they won’t lash out inappropriately on people. Besides these benefits, play helps improve your bond with your cat. Grab a cat wand and engage some quality play time!

cat play

5. Vertical Space

Many cats like to perch but do not have adequate space to do so. Adding vertical space is a great solution to making your cat more comfortable in your home. There are several shelving units that attach to the wall or the back of doors. This is a particularly wonderful way to show love to your cat if you have more than one feline friend. The bigger your household, the more important vertical space is to your cat. Make your home your cat’s home and give him/her some much-desired space!

6. Hiding Spaces

While some cats like to perch in high places, others like to burrow and hide. If you have a bit of a scaredy cat, provide hiding spots for plenty of safe spaces. A hiding spot can be anything from a cardboard box to a store-bought burrow bed. Believe it or not, shy cats are actually more likely to come out and interact if they have plenty of escape-and-hide routes.

7. Window Seats

When cats aren’t sleeping, eating, playing, or grooming, chances are you can find them gazing out the window. Cats spend hours on end watching the world outside your home. In fact, windows are often referred to as “Cat TV.” Show your cat some love by adding an additional window spot for your cat. There are specialty cat window perches, or you can get creative and add a shelf or small table where your cat can perch and enjoy the view.

cat window

8. Catio

If you’re handy and really want to make a grand gesture for your cat, build a catio! A catio is a closed-in outdoor space for your cat. It allows your cat to immerse themselves in the great outdoors without running the risk of them becoming a stray or catching anything. You can even turn your patio into a catio, where you and your cat can enjoy the outdoors together! Get inspiration or pre-made catios here.

9. Scratching Posts

One of the ways cats mark their territory is by scratching. When a cat scratches, calming pheromones are released from the paws, making your cat more comfortable and confident in that space. Add an additional scratching post to your home to give your cat another space that can be considered his/hers. A great way to provide more vertical space AND an additional window spot is to place a scratching post with a flat top for perching by the window.

10. Brushing

Brushing is especially important if you have an overweight or longhair cat. Overweight cats have difficulty reaching all areas of their body for grooming, and longhair cats shed much more when they aren’t brushed. But all cats can benefit from brushing, both for limiting shedding and increasing the bond with your cat.

11. Heat Things Up

Cats like to stay nice and toasty warm. Most cats like to lay on heating vents or in front of space heaters. If you live in a colder climate, or just like to keep the temperature down in your home, adding a small space heater can be a great addition to the home for your cat.

12. Extra Water

It is notoriously difficult to get cats to drink the amount of water they need. A dehydrated cat can develop urinary crystals or even bladder stones, causing pain and litter box issues. Show your cat you care by providing plenty of water bowls for your cat. Try ceramic bowls, water fountains, or tumbler glasses to provide some variety and find what your cat likes best.

cat water

13. Clean Up

One of the best ways to show your cats you love them is to provide the best care possible. Show your cats you care by deep cleaning litter boxes, food dishes, and water dishes. Humans love coming home to a clean house, so why shouldn’t your cats?!

14. Aromas

There are several special oils and sprays made for numerous cat-specific issues. Calming pheromones and other holistic remedies may be just what your cat needs to overcome their health or behavioral issues. Feliway and Jackson Galaxy Solutions offer a variety of options for your cat.

15. Enrichment

Enrichment is any addition to your cat’s day that improves quality of life. There are many, many things you can do to appeal to your cat’s senses and show you care. Catnip spray, treat balls, cat grass, puzzle toys, or tuna frozen in ice cubes are all great, easy options. Visit here for more cat enrichment ideas. Show your cat you love him/her by offering something special!

cat love

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Great and Smol is your go-to animal website. Whether you’re looking for informational articles, cute memes, or new ideas, this is the place for you! We hope to guide and inspire your interactions with all creatures great and “smol”… with cute, nerdy stops along the way.

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